120 Gilbert Street, Latrobe, 7307
Tasmania, Australia
PO Box 480, Latrobe, 7307
Tasmania, Australia
P: (03) 6426 3050
F: (03) 6426 3054
E: admin@psychologycaffe.com.au
Open from 9am — 5pm week days.
Main access via rear door at back of building – to access, head down Weld Street or the side of Wild Ride Cycles to our carpark off Hamilton Lane. (see picture below)

Ulverstone Office
22 King Edward Street, Ulverstone, 7315
Tasmania, Australia
PO Box 480, Latrobe, 7307
Tasmania, Australia
P: (03) 6425 2881
F: (03) 6426 3054
E: admin.ulv@psychologycaffe.com.au
Open from 9am — 5pm Mon, Wed, Thurs

Devonport Rooms
Level 1, Devonport Corporate Centre
21 Best St, Devonport, 7310
Tasmania, Australia
PO Box 480, Latrobe, 7307
Tasmania, Australia
P: (03) 6426 3050
F: (03) 6426 3054
E: admin@psychologycaffe.com.au
Rooms open by appointment only.
The waiting area for appointments is at the top of the stairs near the reception desk. If you check in at the desk and take a seat, your clinician will come out to greet you.

Burnie Rooms
Level 1, Tas Family Medical Centre
1-3 Reeves Street, Burnie, 7320
Tasmania, Australia
PO Box 480, Latrobe, 7307
Tasmania, Australia
P: (03) 6426 3050
F: (03) 6426 3054
E: admin@psychologycaffe.com.au
Rooms open by appointment only.
The waiting area for appointments is on the first floor (up the stairs/lift), around the corner to the left at the top of the stairs, and down the end of the hallway. Find a seat, and your clinician will come out to greet you.

Deloraine Room
Deloraine Medical Centre
(Allied Health Building at rear of property)
22 Tower Hill Street, Deloraine, 7304
Tasmania, Australia
PO Box 480, Latrobe, 7307
Tasmania, Australia
P: (03) 6426 3050
F: (03) 6426 3054
E: admin@psychologycaffe.com.au
Rooms open by appointment only.

Launceston Room
Suite 2, 37B Brisbane Street
Launceston, 7250
Tasmania, Australia
PO Box 480, Latrobe, 7307
Tasmania, Australia
P: (03) 6426 3050
F: (03) 6426 3054
E: admin@psychologycaffe.com.au
Rooms open by appointment only.

Smithton Room
Rural Health, 68 Emmett Street, Smithton, 7330
Tasmania, Australia
PO Box 480, Latrobe, 7307
Tasmania, Australia
P: (03) 6426 3050
F: (03) 6426 3054
E: admin@psychologycaffe.com.au
Rooms open by appointment only.